Stick Control
For the Snare Drummer

Progressive Steps
for the Modern Drummer

The New Breed 2
by Gary Chester and Chris Adams

Sticking Patterns
by Gary Chaffee

Modern Reading Text in 4/4
by Louis Bellson

Meine Empfehlungen

  • "Stick Control: For the Snare Drummer"
    (1. Juli 1998), ISBN-10: 1892764040
    Alfred Music Publishing Company
    by George Lawrence

  • "Accents and Rebounds: For the Snare Drummer"
    Alfred Music Publishing Company
    by George Lawrence ,
    Auflage: Revised (1. Juni 2012),
    ISBN-10: 0984329315

  • "Progressive Steps to Syncopation"
    for the Modern Drummer"
    Auflage: 1 (1. August 1997),
    ISBN-10: 0882847953
    by Ted Reed Alfred Music Publishing Company

  • "The New Breed"
    by Gary Chester Hal Leonard Music Publishing;
    Auflage: Pap/Com (27. November 2006),
    ISBN-10: 1423418123

  • "The New Breed 2"
    by Gary Chester and Chris Adams
    Hal Leonard Music Publishing (20. Dezember 1996),
    ISBN-10: 0793500044

  • "Sticking Patterns"
    by Gary Chaffee
    Verlag: Warner Bros.Publ.;
    Auflage: Pap/Com (März 2000),
    ISBN-10: 0769234763

  • "Time Functioning Patterns"
    Warner Bros.Publ.; Pap/Com (März 2000),
    ISBN-10: 0769234771
    by Gary Chaffee

  • "Technique Patterns"
    Warner Bros.Publ. (März 2000),
    ISBN-10: 076923478X
    by Gary Chaffee

  • "Master Studies"
    Hal Leonard Music Publishing
    (12. Dezember 1996),
    ISBN-10: 088188748X
    by Joe Morello

  • "Modern Reading Text in 4/4"
    Alfred Music Publishing (1. März 2000),
    ISBN-10: 0769233775
    by Louis Bellson

weitere Empfehlungen

  • "Odd Time Reading Text"
    by Louis Bellson
    Verlag: Warner Bros.Publ. (Juli 1999),
    ISBN-10: 0769233724

  • "The Language of Drumming"
    by Benny Greb
    Verlag: Hal Leonard Pub Co;
    Auflage: Pap/MP3 (Januar 2012),
    ISBN-10: 1458422291

  • "Future Sounds"
    by David Garibaldi
    Verlag: Alfred Pub Co Inc (Januar 1990),
    ISBN-10: 0739019112

  • "Contemporary Drumset Techniques"
    by Rick Latham
    Verlag: Alfred Pub Co Inc;
    Auflage: Pap/Com (22. Oktober 2009),
    ISBN-10: 0825825547

  • "Advanced Funk Studies"
    by Rick Latham
    Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing Company;
    Auflage: 1 (1. November 2009),
    ISBN-10: 0825825539

  • "4-Way Coordination"
    by Marvin Dahlgren
    Verlag: Warner Bros.Publ. (1. Juli 1999),
    ISBN-10: 0769233708

  • "The Art of Bop Drumming"
    by John Riley
    Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing;
    Auflage: Pap/Com (27. Juni 2005),
    ISBN-10: 089898890X

  • "Afro-Cuban Rhythms"
    by Frank Malabe & Bob Weiner
    Verlag: Schott music distribution;
    Auflage: Pap/Com (März 1997),
    ISBN-10: 0897245741

  • "Brazilian Rhythms"
    by Alberto Netto
    Verlag: Hal Leonard Corporation;
    Auflage: Pap/Com (August 2003),
    ISBN-10: 0634021435

  • "The Drummer's Complete Vocabulary as Taught"
    by Alan Dawson, Verlag: Dumont & Son,
    Inc.; Auflage: Pap/Com (Oktober 1998),
    ISBN-10: 0769265243



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